
Kinross-shire Repair Café launch in Kinross

Kinross-shire Repair Cafe launch in Kinross
Saturday 20 April / 11am / Kinross Church Centre 

This is the first repair cafe in Kinross-shire and it will be a special celebration opened officially by Jim Fairlie, MSP and Minister of Agriculture and Connectivity. Local PKC Councillors and Community Councillors have been invited to the event, which will be reported by the Kinross Newsletter and the Courier.
Everyone is invited to bring a broken item for participatory repair (at the event expert repairers will supervise or demonstrate the repair to the participants).
The type of repairs that will be available include:
- textiles,
- jewellery,
- IT software and IT hardware,
- electronics (e.g. radios),
- woodwork (small items),
- small household objects and general items.
Unfortunately we are still looking for an electrician repairer, hence we will not be able to help with electrical repairs at this event.
There will be two demonstrations of bike maintenance (at 11:15 am and at 2pm) with some additional bike advice. Bike repairs will be available at future repair cafes.
The repair will be free of charge, but all new parts and materials will need to be paid for. Donations towards future repair cafes will be greatly appreciated.
There will be a swap shop supervised by Kara for exchanging items of clothes. You may want to donate an item or a few, provided they are in a good and clean condition. If you do not have a donation of clothing you can still get something from a swap shop for a small cash donation.
All repairs are on a first-come first-serve basis, so be prepared to wait. While you wait, there will be refreshments kindly provided by Kinross-shire Climate Cafe volunteers.
Please check our repair cafe rules in our page "About" section.

For more information please send an e-mail to: or go to